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Here are direct links to my Audio or UX design work. 

Level Design

Overview Video

This 4 mins video gives an overview of my level and encounter design experience from the industry and personal projects.


If you like to see more detailed examples of my work I invite you to look at the Game tab for:



Indie side-scrolling puzzle platformer published on Steam.


  • Created over 100 puzzles with four mechanics and then used playtesting to cut and revise puzzles and mechanics to incorporate mental and physical dual components in order to balance challenge and player accessibility.

  • Created the camera work for all cinematic scenes as well as over 60 mins of gameplay.

  • Collaborated with animators to revise animations and art assets to better suit level features, UX feel, and visual acuity.

  • Utilized visual scripting to implement in game level events to create a more lively environment and interesting game space.


AAA action title developed for PC and Console in UE4.


  • Designed, structured, and implemented 25 levels by creating new gameplay challenges using visual scripting to repurpose existing mechanics.

  • Organized, planned, and executed 40-70 person playtests then analyzed the data and created presentation to demonstrated critical points for iteration to leads.

  • Designed in game side objectives with scaling difficulty to add re-playability to levels.

NBA Live
NBA Live

EA's mobile NBA franchise game with live development focused around Kanban production system:


  • Implemented new live content daily which includes creating and balancing events, collectibles, and rewards based on internal game economics.


  • Designed unique 30 second levels every day, utilizing XML to implement these levels in engine.


  • Pitched and developed mission campaigns mechanics and narrative tie ins which were themed after real world events including the Road to Playoffs and All-star.


One button mobile game developed in Unity.

  • Created 36 levels, then organized them into sets of 6 each with a coherent game-play theme and difficulty level.

  • Analyzed play-testing to organize and balance internal game systems and levels then used information to iterate and adjust difficulty curve to increase play-ability.

  • Established a core game idea that met criteria of scope, monetization, player engagement, and entertainment then communicated the core idea out to artists, programmers, producers, and other designers.


Educational Virtual Reality game developed in UE4 for the Vive.

  • Designed and implemented interactive gameplay puzzles using visual scripting with the constraints of incorporating specific ancient Chinese artifacts.

  • Researched artifact backgrounds to create gameplay puzzles that incorporated educational aspects for each Chinese artifact.

  • Produced the aesthetic layout, lighting, and gameplay for four levels using only 10 assets.

  • Collaborated with Subject Matter Expert to incorporate desired educational elements and to keep cultural sensitivity in mind.

A Married Dame
A Married Dame

Noir inspired rapid prototype developed in Unity.


  • Created 90% of in game assets using Maya 3D software.

  • Utilized research into Noir films and 1950s apartments to inspire level design consistent with theme and tone.

  •  Implemented in game level interactions such as bookcase puzzle.

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